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Essay on flood

Essay on flood

essay on flood

Apr 13,  · Flood Essay Words. Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters that cause great harm to life and property. The primary reason behind floods is the excessive rainfall that causes extreme accumulation of water in the living areas, thus leading to overflowing and destroying houses and fields Essay On Flood – Flood is nothing but a caprice of nature. It is a natural calamity. It visits our country almost every year. The floods that occurred in the years , , , , etc. were terrible. But the flood of October in was the most devastating and dangerous in the history of floods in our country. It is caused in many ways Amongst a few causes of floods are extreme precipitation, unplanned urban growth, degradation of the environment, frequent changes in monsoon etc. The most flood-prone areas in India are Punjab, Haryana, Gangetic plains, etc

Essay On Flood: Best for all class students 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 | Ontaheen

Read flood essay in English language in words. Know more about essay on flood for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Kids can also add it as an example of Kerala flood essay in English language, essay on flood. Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters that cause great harm to life and property. The primary reason behind floods is the excessive rainfall that causes extreme accumulation of water in the living areas, thus leading to overflowing and destroying houses and fields. They usually take place when water overflows from the reservoirs or due to heavy rainfall in the places with poor drainage systems. Sometimes even the perfect drainage systems cannot withstand heavy rains or if the rain occurs for many days essay on flood a break.

Also, when the snow melts during the temperature change, it can lead to heavy movement of water into the plain areas thus causing floods, essay on flood. In addition to this, rivers and oceans sometimes overflows due to the breaking of dams, this can also result in floods. The frequency of floods is rapidly growing and the major reason behind is global warming which has managed to increase the average temperature of seas and oceans. This further leads to hot tropical storms that lead to the essay on flood of glaciers and ice caps and ultimately increase the sea level. Floods can cause brutal damage to human essay on flood and valuable property.

Agricultural areas are the first to be affected by floods. Many fields and crops get destroyed due to the overflow of water and cause great loss to mankind. Not only humans but animals also lose their shelter and lives. Government and people both suffer from financial losses and it becomes difficult to re-construct the dilapidated areas after floods. Floods are quite catastrophic; however, we can always do a little to avoid such situations. Government and people should take care of the water reservoirs and other water storing systems so that they do essay on flood overflow in case of heavy rain. Floods can also be controlled using flood barriers which can be used as resistance during floods, essay on flood.

Water conservation Essay. Save Water Essay. Your email address will not be published. Search for:. Flood Essay Read flood essay in English language in words. Democracy Essay ». Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published, essay on flood.

Essay on a flood scene in english -- A flood scene essay in english

, time: 16:37

Flood Causes, Effects, & Prevention Essay for Children

essay on flood

Essay On Flood In Maryland Words | 3 Pages. hurricane are floods. Floods can become very dangerous in a coastal community that is already close to sea level. With a flood becomes floodwater. Floodwater can seriously disrupt the personal transportation by cutting off the roads in Dec 24,  · And the people who are not prepared for flood suffer a lot sometimes their belongings get flushed away and sometimes people become homeless. Floods destroy crops in the field and also cause epidemics. Many people loss their resources and tools. Often entire families get washed away in flood. Flood also damages railway lines and affects the transport Floods are natural occurring processes that are difficult to prevent but can be managed to reduce its social and economic impacts. Flooding is a threat to life and leads to damage of property. Therefore, it is very important that flooding risks be considered during any

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