Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Community essays

Community essays

community essays

Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members. Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere Community is another fundamental concept used in sociology. Because human civilization grows and develop in the lap of community. It is a well known fact that an individual rarely exists alone. He always lives with his fellows in a group. It is also equally true that one can’t be a member of all groups existing in the world Community Development Essays (Examples) Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Generate Essay Titles > RECOMMENDED ESSAY. Community Development Is a Journey Not a. Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #:

Community: Essay on Community ( Words) | Sociology

Community is community essays fundamental concept used in sociology. Because human civilization grows and develop in the lap of community. It is a well known fact that an individual rarely exists alone. He always lives with his fellows in a group. Hence an individual lives and establishes relations with those people who reside in a close proximity with him i. within definite territory, community essays. Image Courtesy : theartrium. It community essays also community essays and natural that people residing in a definite area develop likeness, co-operation and fellow-feeling among themselves. As a result they share common customs, community essays, traditions, culture and develop common social ideas among themselves.

This fact of common social living within a limited or community essays geographical area gives birth to community. But the origin and growth of community goes back to the origin of human civilization. Man has community essays living in community of some sort since his arrival. Community is the original and first abode of human civilization. The human civilization itself reared up in community, community essays. During pre-historic era man was leading a nomadic or barbarian life and was wandering here and community essays for food and could not settle up anywhere. But when his mental horizon increased he learns the skill to collect food and other needs from a particular place mainly on river banks or fertile areas and permanently settled there, community essays.

Gradually community life expands with the creation of different socio-economic, cultural and political relations among the people of a particular area. This lead to the emergence of different social, political, economic and cultural institutions. As a result a full- fledged community was created. It consists of a group of people with common and shared interests. But in common discourses the term community very often wrongly used such as racial community, caste community, religious community etc. Here the meaning of the term community differs from the one which is used in sociology. The term is also used both in a narrower and broader sense. In a narrow sense community refers to Hindu or Muslim community but in a broader sense community may refers to a nation or world community.

It also refers to a village, a town or a tribal community. When a group of individual or members of any group small or large live together and share a common life and have developed a strong sense of awe feeling among them they form a community. They enter into definite social, economic and cultural relations and have developed a sense of community consciousness which distinguishes them from others. A group of individuals or group of families living in Physical Proximity with each other in a definite geographical boundary constitutes a community.

But to understand the meaning of the term community we must have to give a look towards the definitions given by sociologists, community essays. But sociologists differ among themselves in their approach to the meaning of community. Some puts emphasis on area or ecological aspects where as others puts emphasis on psychological aspects. Thus, community refers to a group either small or large whose members live together in such a way that they share a common life and have developed a strong sense of community sentiment or consciousness among them which distinguishes them from others. You must be logged in to post a comment. Your Article Community essays Home Static Main Menu Home Share Your Files Disclaimer Privacy Policy Contact Us Prohibited Content Prohibited Content Image Guidelines Plagiarism Prevention Content Filtrations Terms of Service Account Disabled.

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Community essays

community essays

Essay example. Words6 Pages. A community is established when more than two people share the same values and through time this personal connection evolves into a fellowship governed by rituals, traditions, and a particular form of communication that when taken together makes a group of individuals whether living in a specific geographical area Community Development Essays (Examples) Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Generate Essay Titles > RECOMMENDED ESSAY. Community Development Is a Journey Not a. Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Community is very important and has many factors like kinship, unity, and identity. Community helps society because it creates solutions, provides security and reveals dedication. It discovers truthfulness. Communities are part of everyday life and have positive affects on its members. Communities can be found everywhere and can be created anywhere

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